Competition Investigations, Cartel & Abuse of Dominance

CORE specializes in the handling of cartel investigations and related proceedings. Cartel activities, which are considered the most severe violations of competition rules, can result in substantial monetary fines. Leveraging our extensive experience, we are adept at representing clients in cartel investigations and formulating comprehensive defense strategies right from the outset.

We also offer our expertise to clients operating in markets where dominant players wield significant market power. We assist them in addressing allegations of abuse of dominance and unilateral conduct, encompassing practices such as setting excessively high or low prices, engaging in discriminatory behavior and unjustifiably refusing to supply customers. Our in-depth knowledge in this domain empowers us to guide clients through the associated challenges and safeguard their market position.

As antitrust investigations evolve and regulatory authorities employ increasingly sophisticated techniques, companies must ensure compliance across a broad spectrum of commercial activities. This encompasses various aspects, including digitaladvertising, no-poach agreements, big data and pricing algorithms.

Drawing on our profound understanding of cartel investigations, abuse-of-dominance allegations, and the expanding landscape of antitrust inquiries, we provide comprehensive support to our clients. Our goal is to help them successfully navigate competition rules, effectively safeguard their business objectives, and maintain compliance with evolving regulatory requirements.
